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What are MetaTrader 4 technical analysis tools?

MetaTrader 4 technical analysis tools comprise of 30 built-in indicators, over 2 000 free custom indicators and 700 paid ones, allowing you to analyze the market of any level of complexity. MetaTrader 4 offers 24 analytical objects: lines, channels, the Gann and Fibonacci tools, shapes and arrows.

How does MetaTrader 4 work?

The powerful MetaTrader 4 trading system allows you to implement strategies of any complexity. The Market and pending orders, Instant Execution and trading from a chart, stop orders and trailing stop, a tick chart and trading history — all these tools are at your disposal. With MetaTrader 4, trading becomes flexible and convenient.

Is MetaTrader 4 free?

MetaTrader 4 is a free-of-charge Forex trading platform. It offers wide technical analysis options, flexible trading system, algorithmic and mobile trading, Market, Virtual Hosting and Signals.

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